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Cara Mendapatkan GitHub Student Developer Pack

Github Student Developer Pack adalah paket dari GitHub Education yang ditujukan kepada developer yang masih berstatus sebagai student. Paket yang ditawarkan oleh GitHub tidak tanggung-tanggung, GitHub menyediakan 16 item yang dapat digunakan untuk keperluan developer dan kemungkinan akan bertambah dikemudian hari.

Sumber: https://education.github.com/pack

Motto GitHub Student Developer Pack: "The best developer tools, free for Student"

Item yang yang ditawarkan GitHub dalam GitHub Student Developer Pack adalah sebagai berikut (https://education.github.com/pack):
  1. Atom
    A hackable text editor for the 21st Century
     Open Source by GitHub, free for everyone
  2. AWS Educate
    Access to the AWS cloud, free training, and collaboration resources
    DETAILS Student Developer Pack members receive $15 in bonus AWS credits for a total of $50-$115
  3. Bitnami
    Install cloud applications in a single click
    DETAILS Business 3 plan (normally $49/month) for one year
  4. CrowdFlower
    Crowdsourcing and data enrichment platform
    DETAILS Access to the Crowdflower platform
  5. DigitalOcean
    Simple cloud hosting, built for developers
    DETAILS $50 in platform credit for new users
  6. DNS Simple
    Simple DNS management with one-click services and a robust API
    DETAILS Personal hosted DNS plan (normally $5/month) for two years
  7. GitHub
    Powerful collaboration, code review, and code management
    DETAILS Micro account (normally $7/month) with five private repositories while you're a student
  8. HackHands
    Live programming help available 24/7
    DETAILS $25 in platform credit
  9. Microsoft Azure
    A suite of Microsoft Azure cloud services and developer tools, including the Visual Studio IDE
    DETAILS Microsoft Azure, Visual Studio Community 2015 and the rest of the Microsoft developer tools while you’re a student
  10. NameCheap
    Affordable registration, hosting, and domain management
    DETAILS One year domain name registration on the .me TLD (normally $18.99/year)DETAILS One year SSL certificate (normally $9/year)
  11. Orchestrate
    A complete database portfolio that includes search, time-series events, geolocation and graph queries through an API
    DETAILS Developer account (normally $49/month) while you're a student
  12. SendGrid
    Email infrastructure as a service
    DETAILS Student plan 15K free emails/month (normally limited to 200 free emails/day) while you're a student
  13. Stripe
    Web and mobile payments, built for developers
    DETAILS Waived transaction fees on first $1000 in revenue processed
  14. Travis CI
    Continuous integration platform for open source and private projects
    DETAILS Private builds (normally $69/month) while you're a student
  15. Udacity
    Enroll in a Nanodegree program, and launch your career in Web and Mobile Development, Machine Learning, Data Science, and more.
    DETAILS Student Developer Pack members get one month free access to any Nanodegree program (normally $199)
  16. Unreal Engine
    A complete suite of game development tools for PC, console, mobile, web and VR
    DETAILS Unreal Engine while you're a student
Untuk mendapatkan semua item tersebut kalian harus mendaftarkan diri di situs GitHub Student Developer Pack:  https://education.github.com/pack.

Setelah masuk ke halaman, silahkan klik tombol Get your Pack. Selanjutnya kalian akan diarahkan ke halaman log-in GitHub (jika belum log-in).

Setelah log-in kalian harus mengisi form pengajuan GitHub Student Developer Pack. Pada tahap ini kalian harus memiliki akun email yang berdomain sekolah/universitas kalian masing-masing. Email tersebut akan digunakan GitHub untuk memverifikasi status student/kemahasiswaan kalian. Jika kalian sudah menambahkannya di akun GitHub, kalian tinggal memilih email domain universitas kalian pada form pengajuan tersebut dan melengkapi data yang ada. Jika belum kalian harus menambahkannya dulu (di form tersebut ada tautan ke GitHub untuk menambahkan email baru).

Setelah selesai mengisi form, tinggal klik Submit dan tunggu hingga pengajuan kalian diproses oleh GitHub. Biasanya memakan waktu sekitar 1 mingguan. Jadi... Bersabarlah!

Cukup sekian tulisan tentang bagaimana cara mendapatkan GitHub Student Developer Pack. Semoga bermanfaat!

Salam Developer :D
Wahyudi Eko
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4 komentar

  1. Oalah vertifikasinya 1 mingguan toh yah ? Apalagi ane ngajuin pas banget sama weekend. Kelar deh :D

    1. Iya gan, verifikasi ny biasanya 1 mingguan. Siplah Kalo udah kelar! Segera dimanfaatkan.... :-)

  2. Balasan
    1. Sepertinya bisa, karena sch.id juga domain pendidikan. Silahkan dicoba...

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